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Corporate Governance

The ATS corporate governance charter plays a key role in supporting our business operations.  It provides clear guidance on how authority is exercised within the Company and is a fundamental part of our culture and our business practices.  Our corporate governance framework provides for effective decision making about the affairs of the Company and is expressed in the following areas:

ATS Philosophy


  • Bring the highest caliber science and engineering to our clients to solve their unique problems and challenges;

  • Quality and customer service are paramount;

  • The best business arrangements are those where all parties feel they have benefited;

  • Finding ways to save money for our clients is the best way of securing long-term revenue for us;

  • Create a stimulating, progressive, and friendly work environment that enables us to recruit, retain, and develop the very best staff to serve our clients' needs.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission, Vision, and Values

We are a leading chemistry consulting and analytical laboratory with the following mission:


Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission and vision inspire us to provide exceptional scientific and chemistry advisory support to our clients each day.



Lead our clients by providing them with responsive, value-added services and innovative solutions for their initiatives and challenges involving chemicals and the environment.



Create a premier chemistry consulting resource available to the engineering, legal, and corporate communities to provide world class problem solving for clients concerns centered around chemicals.


Organizational Values

Our organizational values are the attitudes, perspective, principles, and standards that determine how we work and how we interact with each other, with our peers, and with our clients.  Our organization values are those tools needed to accomplish our vision.  Our organizational values include:


  • Competence

  • Reliance on Science

  • Customer Service

  • Integrity

  • Quality

  • Teamwork

ATS Safety & Quality

Quality and Safety


At ATS, our team—from administrative support to chemists and technicians to expert witnesses—is committed to providing exceptional service for each existing and new client.  We are proud to provide high quality, client and solution-focused service to address problems dealing with chemicals.


As a leader in the delivery of laboratory and chemistry consulting services, we want transparency by providing clients with detailed information on quality, safety, and pricing.  At ATS, we apply multiple layers of peer review to ensure the highest quality of data, data interpretation, data presentation, regulatory and/or litigation strategy, and presentation and written communication.  We embrace a work environment of collegiality recognizing the higher value of team-based solutions and work product.



At ATS, our employees and strategic partners are the foundation of our business and safety is a priority with in our facilities and at all job sites.  The ATS Health & Safety program is vital and integral to our work.  As we continually strive for zero incidents, the following principles provide the agenda of our Safety Program:


  • Management Commitment;

  • Clear communication of roles and responsibilities;

  • Proper allocation of sufficient resources;

  • Integrated systems and processes that foster a focus on Health and Safety with all operations;

  • Complete and on-going maintenance of training;

  • Actively enlist employee participation and feedback at all levels of the organization.


These agenda items are supported in our Health & Safety Program, which is embraced by all employees and monitored by all levels of our team.  ATS employees actively accept responsibility and accountability for safety planning and ensure that safe work practices are not only embraced but are a way of life.  We actively work to prevent incidents by regularly evaluating performance and taking the actions necessary for continual improvement.

ATS Ethics, Compliance, and Privacy

Ethics, Compliance, and Privacy

The Ann Arbor Technical Services, Inc. compliance program's goal is to ensure our organization and its representatives demonstrate, both internally and externally, the highest caliber of ethics and integrity.


Environmental Compliance and Stewardship is about making the right choices for ourselves, our clients, and our community.  To that end, the mission at ATS requires us to adhere to our values as consulting scientist’s to ensure we are always pursuing sound science and doing the right things for the right reasons. 


The ATS Professional Behavior Policy, the Corporate Compliance Plan, and our values are integral parts of the foundation of our company with respect to our behaviors and decision making.  As a privately held company, our ability to further the ATS mission depends upon the capability of all staff, strategic partners, corporate governance, corporate and team leadership, clients and families to support one another in upholding these values.

ATS Environmental Commitment

Environmental Commitment

ATS Believes in Being Green.


At ATS our mission is to lead by example.  We believe that being green is one of the ways we can not only “talk the talk…but walk the walk” and care for our community and environment.  That’s why we are passionate about recycling and becoming increasingly conscientious about our use of a variety of resources.


Each year, ATS takes strides to become greener. Areas of focus include:


  • Increasing energy efficiency;

  • Using water responsibly;

  • Properly disposing of hazardous and chemical wastes;

  • Reducing natural gas and electricity consumption;

  • Supporting recycling and energy reduction initiatives.


Think Green
Ann Arbor Technical Services, Inc.  •  290 South Wagner Road  •  Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103  USA
Tel. +734.995.0995  •  Fax. +734.995.3731  •  eMail.

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